General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Felicia Shocked, Discovers Maxie’s Secret!

General Hospital: Felicia Scorpio (Kristina Wagner)General Hospital Spoilers tease that Felicia Scorpio (Kristina Wagner) is on a mission to find her granddaughter! As viewers know, Felicia believes that the baby was kidnapped right after her daughter, Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) gave birth. But what Felicia doesn’t know is that Maxie is aware of where Louise Jones (London and Jeff Prinzo-Berendt) is. Maxie gave the baby to Brook Lynn Quartermaine (Amanda Setton) shortly after giving birth. Maxie did this to keep the baby from it’s criminal father, Peter August (Wes Ramsey). The baby is safe at the Quartermaine mansion with both Brook Lynn and Harrison Chase (Josh Swickard) pretending to be the baby’s parents!

General Hospital Spoilers – Felicia Jones Was Once A Private Investigator!

Although her life has calmed down considerably since she married Mac Scorpio (John J York), Felicia was once a private investigator. She hasn’t looked for Louise up until now because Maxie asked her not to get involved, but as time goes by, Felicia believes the chances of being able to find the baby are dwindling. So Felicia has asked Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) to pool their resources and find the little girl. And there is every chance that Felicia will figure out the truth.

GH Spoilers – Both Harrison Chase And Tracy Quartermaine Figured Out The Secret On Their Own.

Two people have already figured out that Bailey Quartermaine is really Louise Jones. Chase is a police detective and it didn’t take him long to figure out the truth. And while Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) had the advantage of knowing Brook Lynn was never pregnant, it didn’t take her more than a few minutes once she returned to Port Charles to figure it out either. So once Felicia gets down to it, she’s likely going to be the next one. But perhaps Maxie will grow tired of lying to her mother.

General Hospital Spoilers – Maxie Jones Will Tell Her Mother The Whole Story!

Once she realizes that Felicia is on the case and can’t be deterred, Maxie may see no point in keeping the truth from her. So regardless of how she finds out, Felicia will certainly know the truth before very long. But then question becomes, can she keep her daughter’s secret? She is married to the acting Police Commissioner, so she won’t be able to tell him once she finds out. Felicia will likely understand why Maxie is doing what she is. Felicia herself let Mac raise Maxie and her late sister Georgie Jones (Lindze Letherman) when she felt her life was too dangerous to raise them herself. So at point, Felicia’s main goal will be to make sure that Peter is permanently neutralized so Maxie can claim her baby from Brook Lynn!

GH Spoilers – What Do You Think?

Are you glad Felicia is back? Will Maxie realize that Felicia is getting close to the truth? And once she knows, what will Felicia do? Anything can happen in Port Charles so stay tuned to General Hospital airing weekdays on ABC. And don’t forget to check back right here regularly for all your General Hospital news, information and spoilers!

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