General Hospital

GENERAL HOSPITAL Spoilers 1/19/24: Drew Takes Revenge on Nina!

Concern and anger abound on today’s GENERAL HOSPITAL! As Sam shares her worries about Drew with Carly, he exacts his revenge on Nina, Dex comforts an upset Josslyn, Laura tears into Spencer for letting Nikolas leave with Ace while Esme turns to an unlikely person for help, and Cyrus welcomes some company to his hospital room!

There’s no doubt that Drew’s time in Pentonville affected him greatly. Sam has felt that his behavior as of late has raised several red flags and takes an opportunity at Bobbie’s to see if Carly feels the same. “Since he’s been back,” she confides, “haven’t you noticed that he’s changed?”

While Carly is willing to just put Nina’s betrayal behind her — especially since it means she no longer has to deal with the woman as her daughter-in-law’s mother — Drew is determined to get payback on the Crimson editor. But when he seeks out Nina in her office, ready to exact revenge, Nina fights back! “Did you honestly think that I would just roll over and accept this?” she pronounces.

Nurse Willow is on duty at the hospital, and delivers a pep talk to one of her patients. “You’re lucky to be alive,” she declares. Might she be talking to Adam, who nearly overdosed just a few days ago?

Speaking of Adam, Joss was pretty torn up about what happened to her friend. Thankfully, she can turn to the big, strong arms of her hunky boyfriend for some comfort. And Dex seems to be just the sympathetic ear Joss needs. “What do you have to apologize for?” he reassures his girlfriend.

Laura can’t believe that Spencer willingly handed over Ace to Nikolas.ABC

Handing over baby Ace to Nikolas so he could take the tot out of town probably wasn’t the smartest thing that Spencer has ever done. In fact, his shocking confession makes his grandmother absolutely furious! “How could you do such a thing?” Laura yells at Spencer after he fills her in on his reunion with his father.

Esme is desperate to get her son back — but also quite aware that Spencer has her backed into a corner and she can’t go to the police to report that Nikolas has kidnapped Ace. Esme is nothing if she’s not resourceful! After her chat with Cyrus doesn’t produce immediate results, Esme tries another unconventional avenue for assistance in tracking down Nikolas and their son by showing up at Ava’s gallery! “Don’t kick me out,” she begs. “I need your help.” Will Ava be sympathetic to Esme’s plight, as one mother to another, or tell her to take a hike?

At the hospital, Cyrus gets a visitor, and it is very much someone he’s been expecting! “You’re right on time,” he says, welcoming his guest from his hospital bed. Might his company be the person he called on Esme’s behalf, or could Cyrus be plotting yet another scheme?

Check out the teaser below for today’s all-new episode of GH!

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