General Hospital

Dante is shocked by the killer ABC General Hospital Spoilers

Lois finds “Eddie” in the Quartermaine kitchen and says she’s being looking for him all over. She says they are alone, so he can tell her that he remembers her, she saw the look on his face when he saw her. He admits she looks familiar, but that’s it. Lois flashes back to moments with Ned, their romance, her finding out he was really Ned Ashton, and leaving him even though she had his child. “Eddie” swears he doesn’t remember her, or their wedding, neither does he remember their daughter. Just then, Brooke Lynn enters with Chase.

Eddie Lois Weddng GH

Brook Lynn introduces Chase to Lois. She is thrilled to see how happy they are together and tells Chase he should feel honored as her daughter doesn’t settle for just anyone and she always follows her heart. “Eddie” asks if Lois’ heart led her to him. She says they have a compilated past, which Chase doesn’t want to hear. Chase doesn’t mind, so they sit down.

BLq and CHase meets Lois GH

Lois explains her heart led her to a man who didn’t exist. She notes she was young and naive, and became infatuated with Eddie Maine, who she thought was a salesman by day and rocker by night. She had no idea when they met that he was Ned Ashton, who married another woman while married to her. Lois asks if this is ringing a bell for him, but “Eddie” doesn’t recall it. He says he is not living a double life now, and he is sorry for who he was and how he treated her.

Loois scolds Eddie GH

Lois says her Eddie was an alter ego, but he isn’t, so how many Eddies are inside him? She rants that she and Ned have a lot of memories together, but he has forgotten all of the terrible things he put her through, but also the wonderful times they had. She pities him for that. He screams he doesn’t need her pity as he’s fine, and storms out. Lois apologizes to Chase, but he jokes now he knows where her daughter gets her spirit. Brook Lynn is glad Chase finally got to meet her mom, and Lois says the feeling is mutual.

Eddie listens to story GH

In another area of the house, Tracy waits for Finn to arrive for backgammon night. Gregory arrives instead, stating he has a score to settle with her. She tells him to let her have it, but he thanks her for doing what he was putting off. She can’t believe he’s not angry. He is, but also knows anger is a waste of time. Tracy laughs but apologizes as she was convinced he was going to be angry, not waxing philosophy. She sees anger as an asset she can channel into something useful. He isn’t shocked.

Gregory and Tracy GH

Tracy asks how he’s handling things. He admits he’s getting weaker, and will likely start having to use a cane soon for his balance. She offers him a scotch, and he accepts. She admits she is glad he came by, and regrets blurting out what she did. He knows there was no malice involved. Tracy asks why Finn bailed on her, and he relays that Violet has a cold. He offers to play in Finn’s place, as he taught Finn how to play the game. She accepts his offer.

Tracy and Gregory GH

Gregory beats Tracy three games in a row, and she praises his skills. He’s tired, so he needs to be getting home. She tells him she looks forward to the next game. Tracy lets Gregory know that Yuri will drive him home. She again says she really is sorry about his diagnosis, and she gives him a hug and a peck on the cheek.

Later, “Eddie” finds Tracy and stews to her about that woman Lois, who keeps going on about their past. Tracy admits she’s not a Lois fan, but he has to realize how this is for her. “Eddie” does, but how about how difficult this is for him? He is no longer the guy he was. He spots Brook Lynn’s keyboard and notes when he’s spinning like this only music helps him. She leaves him to the keyboard.

Tracy heads to the kitchen and finds Chase giving Lois a hug, which she demanded he give her. After Chase and BLQ leave, Tracy tells Lois they are together because of her, so she should thank her. Lois blasts Tracy for blackmailing her daughter.

Lois is angry GH

Joss arrives at the station and asks a cop to speak with Dante, calling it a matter of life and death. The officer leads her to Dante. Joss tells him that Ava’s in trouble. Dante spots Pilar and Avery sitting in the station. Joss fills him in on Ava going missing, the broken martini glass and her cell phone left at the mansion, and a lollipop found at Wyndemere that isn’t Avery’s.

JOss goes to station for help GH

Dante brings Avery, Joss and Pilar into the interrogation room and asks Avery to sit with Joss and Pilar for the time being. He lets an officer in the squad room know to get them anything they need, and he takes off.

In Pautuck, Dex investigates a basement as he keeps in contact with Spinelli, who is in a van with various tech equipment. Dex finds it is completely empty. This was the last property attached to the trucking company, and they are out of leads. Just then, Dex finds a piece of clothing and believes Ava was there, so he asks Spinelli to check the traffic cameras for Mason’s vehicle.

Dex no sign of Ava GH

Back at the station, Spinelli calls Joss to find out if Dex has been in contact with her. She says he hasn’t, and Spinelli explains  Dex went after Mason’s car and now he’s hit a dead zone cellphone-wise. Joss tells him to use his equipment to find Dex, and she’ll let him know if she hears from him. Joss then calls Dante to report Dex’s last location to him.

Spinelli truck GH

Carly visits Drew in his hospital room, and he informs her that the doctors say he’s recovered enough to go to prison. Carly thinks it’s way too soon, and if he goes back to Pentonville the people who tried to kill him will finish the job. He promises he will be fine, and she needs to let him deal with his situation. She says this is his situation too. She blames herself for what’s happened to him as she committed the insider trading, but he says this is the fault of the person who turned them into the SEC and twisted what happened into a bigger deal than it was.

Drew and Carly Talk GH

Elsewhere, Cyrus runs into Austin in the hall and says they have some unfinished business. Cyrus thanks him for testifying and helping him gain his freedom. Austin asks him to honor their deal and release Ava. Austin is paged, and Cyrus tells him it seems his patients need him.  Austin takes off, and Cyrus calls Mason.

Austin Cyrus GH

Cyrus then drops in to see Drew, and Carly blurts out, “What the hell?” Carly asks how he got out of prison. He explains his medical release and that he came straight to see his friend Drew. However, he’s also glad to see Carly.

Carly and Drew see Cyrus GH

Cyrus wants Carly to understand that any friction they had in the past, especially involving Sonny, he is sorry about and it was before he found God. He hopes at some point to make amends to her, but she tells him not to hold his breath. He thinks she should be happy he came to Drew’s aid, as that he was the one who saved Drew in the showers. Drew had no idea. He wishes them well and departs.

Cyrus visits Drew GH

Mason drives Ava somewhere remote and dark. She tells him that he doesn’t have to do this, but he says he does. She warns him what Sonny will do to him, but tells him if she lets him go then she’ll cover for him. He tells her she’s full of it, and he’s not letting her go. He says they will sit here and wait for his orders.

Ava pleads with Mason GH

Mason gets a call from Cyrus, who orders him to take Ava home. Ava asks who was on the phone, but MAson ignores her and says, “To hell with the boss’ orders.” Mason gets out and pulls Ava out of the car as she fights him.

Suddenly, Dex arrives gun drawn, and orders Mason to let Ava go. Ava yells at him to take the shot! Mason shoots at Dex first, misses, and Ava gets away.

Dex arrives GH

Dex tackles Mason, and they fight with one another near a cliff top. Ava, hiding behind a car, yells at Mason to stop, when Dante arrives and shoots Mason in the back.

Mason shot GH

Dante calls for a paramedic, and Ava thanks Dex for saving her. He calls it a team effort. Dante checks on Mason, who has two bullets in his back but is still alive. Dante asks Ava what she’s doing here, and she explains Mason took her hostage and was going to kill her for his boss. She doesn’t know who the boss is, but when she finds out he’ll regret this.

Mason's not dead GH

Back at the hospital, Austin finds Cyrus and jumps in an elevator with him. Austin asks to speak with Ava, saying he has to know she’s okay. Cyrus tells him he’s in no position to make demands and to remember who is in charge.

Meanwhile, Carly gets a call from Joss, who tells her mom that everyone is okay, but something has happened and she should come home.

On the next General Hospital:  Tracy tells Lois she’s wrong. Curtis tells Portia she may not be able to help him get passed this. At the hospital, Jordan tells Dante not to go into that room and stay away from the patient. Austin checks on Mason, who is on a ventilator, and says he’s in the hospital and needs to wake up. Joss asks Dex how close he came to going over the cliff. Carly calls someone and says Ava’s kidnapping isn’t the worst of it. Sonny and Nina continue their honeymoon


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