General Hospital

GH Shocking Spoilers Brook reveals Tracy’s secret, destroying the spy plan to marry Chase

Sonny shows up at the Crimson office, and calls Brick to find out if the information Betty stole has been downloaded yet. Nina arrives, and she assumes something must be wrong for him to be there, but he assures her there isn’t. He hangs up and asks if she needs to get back to work, but Nina says she’s got nothing important on her to-do list and asks why he’s acting weird. He keeps pushing her to check her messages, and when she goes to her desk she finds a box with a beautiful diamond necklace inside.

Sonny Nina GH

Nina asks if this is an apology for Sonny being so secretive lately. He says yes and no, and puts it on her. She says he seems so at ease tonight, not like the other night at the restaurant with Ava where they seemed tense. Sonny understands why she felt excluded, but some things in his business are better left unsaid. He doesn’t want to put her in danger, but Nina asks what about Ava? Sonny promises she knows everything she needs to except what would put her at risk, and he never wants her to feel like an employee. Nina knew what she was getting into being involved with him, and she loves all of him. He loves her too, so she asks him to let her in. She might be able to help him, but he again says some things she is best not knowing.

Nina neclace GH

Sonny and Nina end up having dinner in her office, a perk of her owning the Metro Court she notes. Sonny wants to talk about the wedding and setting a date. Nina was hoping for a winter wedding and goes over some of her ideas for a gown, invitations, a burgundy tux for him, and her ideas on centerpieces. She also wants to make sure Willow is completely recovered so as to not be disrespectful of her by throwing this wedding when she’s not cleared.

Sonny Nina dinner GH

Sonny knows Nina also hopes Willow will be at the wedding. Nina admits they’ve had good conversations lately, but they still have a long hard road ahead. She also knows Willow won’t attend if Michael doesn’t. Sonny says he would love for Michael to come, and the two of them are also doing a lot better. He says things seem to be looking up for them both. Their evening is cut when Sonny gets a call he has to take, walks out, and asks what the update is.

Outside of the Deception office, Brook Lynn makes calls to confirm something and says she could kill a certain member of her family with her bare hands.

Brook Lynn is furious GH

At the Metro Court pool, Molly arranges for Alexis to meet the surrogate, Andrea. From a distance, Kristina sees them meeting. Alexis spots Kristina, who rushes off, and she worries about her other daughter.

Alexis meets Andrea GH

The women sit down, and Alexis asks Andrea about her life, and why she decided to become a surrogate. Andrea explains she and her husband need some financial help, but this also lets her stay home to take care of her young son, and he’ll be young enough not to remember this. She says one day they will tell him, but for now, it won’t mean anything to him. Alexis asks, “What does it mean to you?” Andrea says being a mother is a blessing, and if she can help another woman become a mother while taking care of her own family, it’s a win for all of them. Alexis thanks her for the gift she’s giving to her daughter.

Alexis questions Andrea GH

After Andrea takes off, Molly asks Alexis what she thought. Alexis says she likes her, and she thinks Molly and TJ will make great parents. They embrace.

At the Quartermaine’s, Tracy and Finn sit down to a game of backgammon. Tracy has been keeping track of all her wins and his losses. As they play, Tracy brings up the dinner she had with his father, and while he was charming, she could sense he was trying to hide tremors. She asks what’s wrong with him. Finn suggests she not ask that because he doesn’t like to lie to her. She agrees to drop it. They ask about each other’s other family members, and when Finn brings up Chase thinking she’s forcing Brook Lynn to work at Deception, Tracy uses Finn’s own line about dropping that line of questioning against him.

Tracy and Finn game GH

Tracy ends up winning and brags that she’s won 48 games to his 29. Now that the game is over, Tracy tries to figure out what they can talk about that’s not off-limits. Finn brings up Luke, and Tracy says she finds it impossible to wrap her head around the fact that Luke is gone. She says she tries to focus on her good friend, and a business project she’s involved in. He asks if they can talk about that, but she again says she prefers not to lie to him.

Tracy wins GH

Suddenly, Brook Lynn enters and declares, “How could you!” at her Granny. Tracy notes they are in the middle of their next game. Brook Lynn throws the board on the floor and says, “Now you’re not.” Finn cries, “I was finally winning!”

Brook Lynn fumes GH

Finn heads out, and Brook Lynn asks Tracy why she went after Deception and hurt her friends. Tracy says there are no friends in business, and besides, Lucy stole The Deceptor from the company she’s working with. Brook Lynn asks what this is really about, and why she’s helping some random company get revenge on Lucy. What’s happened to her? Tracy counters, “What’s happened to you!” Tracy argues Chase has softened her, and Brook Lynn retorts that Luke’s death has hardened her. Brook Lynn says this could destroy people’s lives, and Deception could crumble before it can even begin to recover. Tracy notes, “That’s the plan.” Brook Lynn asks, ”Who sets out to ruin other people’s lives? Oh, that’s right, a Quartermaine does.” She rants no wonder her dad wants to be someone else, because who’d want to be her kid. Brook Lynn storms out.

Tracy vs BLQ GH

Willow arrives at the hospital and looks around at all the nurses and doctors at work. She approaches Liz, who is glad to see her. Willow wants to get back to work and help take care of people like she was taken care of. Liz is all for Willow coming back, but only as soon as her doctor approves her return. She doesn’t want her to push it and compromise her immune system. Willow agrees and says she’s there to meet with Dr. Randolph, to find out when she can get the clearance.

Willow Liz talk nursing GH

Gregory arrives and Liz is happy to see him. She tells him Finn is out, but he was hoping to talk to her. They go sit down somewhere private, and Gregory needs to apologize as he’s been keeping a secret from everyone. Now he needs to be transparent and he tells her about his fall in front of Violet. He says he’s told Finn, and now he’s telling her, that he has ALS.

Liz tells Gregory how so sorry she is that this is happening to him. Gregory thanks her, but knowing Finn has her to stand by him makes him dread what’s coming a little less. She promises to do everything she can to support Finn and Violet. She asks who else knows, and he tells her it’s just her, Finn and Alexis. He’s dreading telling Chase. Liz knows he’ll find the right moment to tell him. Gregory says he’s the baby, the optimist, the one who believes it will all work out. He doesn’t know how to tell him this truth, that he’s going to die. Liz says there are still good days ahead, and she’ll help him enjoy them. As they embrace, Finn arrives and spots them.

Kristina arrives to see Dr. Randolph. Willow overhears her asking about the doctor, and says Dr. Randolph is out at the moment, and reveals she came to see her to get the all-clear to get back to work. Willow asks what she’s come to see her for. Kristina thinks it’s probably best she does not see her tonight as her head isn’t in the right space.

Kristina sees Willow GH

They sit down, and Kritisna tells Willow about her center and that she’s hoping to convince Dr. Randolph to come on board. However, she’s not in the best place tonight, and opens up that she’s feeling left out of Molly’s life. Willow tells Kristina she can trust her, and Kristina knows. Plus, the secret will be out in nine months as is. She fills her in on Molly’s fertility problems, and her unwelcomed offer to be their surrogate. Willow says she doesn’t have the answers, but babies are great bridge builders, and once the baby gets here it could bring them together again. Kristina hopes she is right, and she wants the same for Willow and Nina. Kristina says Nina is a good person, and her dad loves her a lot. She hopes things get easier for her and Nina too, which Willow likes the sound of.

Kristina and Willow chat GH

In the Quartermaine stables, Cody tells Sam that she could be his only chance to help Sasha. She thinks this is a terrible plan and won’t help him get committed. She also says even if she wanted to, she couldn’t get him committed because they aren’t related. Cody says he could give her power of attorney, which Sam says would look suspicious for her to immediately commit him as her first act of using it. She refuses to help him or do anything that could make Sasha worse. Cody is sure Sasha is being drugged, and something isn’t right. Sam asks what if he gets in and ends up pushing Sasha further into her delusion, or she hallucinates and attacks him for a second time? Cody says he’s thought about all of that and will be on his guard. Sam isn’t worried about him, but about him traumatizing Sasha even further.

Cody Sam help GH

Cody runs down Sasha’s history of abuse and mental breakdowns. He finds it odd that just when Sasha is finally standing on her own and about to dump Gladys as her guardian, she cracks worse than before and leaves Gladys in control of her money. He thinks Sasha is in Ferncliff only because she’s a danger to Gladys accessing her money, not to herself or anyone else. Cody explains Gladys is a big gambling addict and has an even bigger debt to pay. He asks her to think what if it was her or one of her sisters in Sasha’s place? Sam finally agrees to help get him committed.

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