Sister Wives

Are ‘Sister Wives’ Mormon?

Kody Brown / YouTube

When Sister Wives first started airing, it was quickly associated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Most people know the LDS church as the Mormon religion. However, as the Brown family has seen Kody Brown lose three of his wives in his polygamist marriage, some wonder if they are Mormons at all anymore.

Here is what we know about the Brown family’s religious views.

‘Sister Wives’ and the Mormon church

When people look at the polygamist marriage of Kody Brown and the Sister Wives cast, many believe this is a Mormon belief. However, that is not exactly true. Kody and his family were part of the Apostolic United Brethren (AUB), which is a sect of the LDS religion. However, not all Mormons believe in polygamy as the AUB does.

Kody Brown / YouTube

The AUB is a “liberal” branch of the LDS religion and they believe in even allowing members to have sex without the intent of procreation. However, they also believe in polygamy and share one trait in common with most Mormon churches. They believe in large families. Kody himself has said in the past that “love should be multiplied,” and he applied this to his family.

Kody Brown has 18 children and five grandchildren between his four Sister Wives. He said that he felt a “divine calling” to be a polygamist and he raised his kids to be part of the religious sect (AUB) as well. However, he isn’t sure of how many of his kids have followed his beliefs. He said that most of his kids are Christians, but he left it up to them to make their own choices about God and religion (via In Touch Weekly).

Why did Kody Brown become a polygamist?

As mentioned, Kody felt there was a “divine calling” for him to start a plural marriage family and foster a large family. While that family has fallen apart over the last two years, it has Kody sometimes questioning his choices.  Christine Brown’s sister, Kristyn Decker, said that she feels Kody forced himself to believe in polygamy to create his large family.

Kody Brown / YouTube

She said that most men who start plural marriage families feel that they have to do it. “I saw that in several of my brothers and that it was really heartbreaking to them to not be successful,” she said. She then added that there is a good chance that Kody feels like a failure now that all of his marriages but one have fallen to the wayside.

Kody and his family lived in Utah, where more than half the population is Mormon. However, despite this, polygamy was illegal there which is why they all moved to Las Vegas, and then later to Arizona. Sadly, once they moved to where they could be in the open about their relationship, it all began to fall apart.

What are your thoughts on Kody Brown and his religious beliefs when it comes to polygamy? Did you think the Sister Wives lifestyle is part of the Mormon church belief system? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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