General Hospital

General Hospital Comings And Goings: Molly Gets Recast AGAIN

Haley Pullos

Credit: Todd Wawrychuk/Walt Disney Television

It seems fairly safe to say that General Hospital has had a bit of a tough time in finding an actress to take over the role of Molly since longtime portrayer Haley Pullos departed after an injury and legal troubles stemming from two felony charges, including a felony DUI.

The show made its first attempt back in May when Holiday Mia Kriegel stepped in for what, at the time, we thought may have been a temporary basis on the news that Pullos had been injured in a car accident. Then, less than two months later in July, Brooke Anne Smith took over as we learned of the growing legal troubles of Molly’s original portrayer.

And now, on General Hospital‘s Wednesday, September 27 episode, as Molly entered her first scene of the day, a voiceover for the show announced that the role would be played by newcomer Kristen Vaganos!

Vaganos is a daytime newbie, though she’s made appearances in a number of indie and Lifetime movies, appearing in everything from romances to thrillers and even, at one point, a werewolf horror movie. In other words, she should fit right in to Port Charles!

At the moment, Molly’s wrapped up in the surrogacy with TJ, celebrating the news that Andrea’s pregnant and the fact that they’re going to be parents. At least, that’s if everything goes according to plan. This being Port Charles, of course, things rarely do.

Right off the bat, we got to see her chilly run-in with Kristina in the midst of the celebration, so we have a feeling Vaganos is going to his the ground running and keep right on going. Fingers crossed, though, that third time’s the charm!

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