General Hospital

General Hospital: Mason and Austin’s Lady BOSS REVEALED!

The town of Port Charles on General Hospital should be renamed Port Conundrum, as the secrets and mysteries just refuse to die down. From paternity secrets to undercover operations to faking deaths, PC has it all! General Hospital recently resolved a few longtime mysteries. For example, Nina being Willow’s mother and FINALLY revealing Maggie Fitzgerald! However, there are still many puzzles that remain unsolved. We are dissecting one such riddle today! The identity of Mason and Austin’s Lady Boss!

The Mystery Woman Pulling Mason And Austin’s Strings
It has become well established by now that Austin Holt is done visiting the dark side on General Hospital. The man wants a fresh start in life away from the flavor of crime. However, it is never easy to climb out of the shadow of your family tree! Especially not if that tree is planted in General Hospital! Every time Austin has tried to break free, his cousin Mason has dragged him right back into the mucky pit. Time and again, he has made references to the “boss.” Although the identity of the boss is still unknown.

General Hospital

However, over the course of time, one thing that we have been able to figure out is the gender of the mobster on General Hospital. The Boss Mason and Austin seem to answer to is a woman! Ever since General Hospital dropped hints about the mob boss being a lady, many speculations have come to light. Some fans believed that it could be Heather Webber. But she turned out to be at the tail of another mystery! The Hook Killer. So it’s unlikely she is Austin and Mason’s lady boss. Another name that has often come up in this context is Ava Jerome! So, is Ava the Lady Boss?

And The Femme Fatale On General Hospital is..
Recently, on General Hospital, Ava apparently killed Nikolas by smashing his head with a statue. Then she called in Austin’s help to do away with the body. Now, if Ava really was the Queen Bee of a mob ring now, all she needed to do was snap a finger and have it all taken care of. Instead, she called Austin, then got taken hostage by Ryan, and then Heather. So not Mobster-like! Moreover, it has now come to light that Nikolas is NOT DEAD! Yup! The Dark Prince is still breathing. And the man keeping him alive is Mason!

So if Ava was Mason’s boss on General Hospital, she would know about Nik, but she doesn’t! Which makes us wonder, who else could have a vested interest in keeping Nik alive and be powerful enough to pull it off? We would say Victor Cassadine, but he is a man, and the Boss is a woman! Aha! It’s another Cassadine, HELENA CASSADINE

! She has such a log history of crime activities behind her and unfathomable wealth to support it all! It would come as no surprise if she walks in as the Mob Boss soon enough. She and Nikolas have crossed swords several times over the past decades.

Moreover, Helena has tried and failed many times to bring Nik to the dark side with her. Perhaps she believes that if she saves his life right now, Nik will become Team Helena for good! Would you like to watch Nik and Helena become a team and unleash a new stream of terror in Port Charles? Stay tuned to General Hospital to find out what happens next!

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