General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers & Rumors: Anna’s Shocking Peter Discovery; Is He Alex’s Son?

General Hospital’s Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) had a very strange reaction to Peter August (Wes Ramsey) referring to her as Grandma. Instead of being happy, Anna flashed back to Robert Scorpio (Tristan Rogers) telling her that Alex Marick (Finola Hughes) is Peter’s mother. Does Anna discover that this is the truth or does she find out something worse?

General Hospital Spoilers – Anna DeVane Has Been Covering For Peter August For Months
General Hospital’s Anna has withheld evidence against Peter for months. Anna feels like she owes Peter because she abandoned him as an infant. Peter was supposed to have been adopted by a lovely couple and raised without the influence of his father, Ceasar Faison (Anders Hove). Unfortunately, Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) took that baby and gave him to Faison after all. Anna blames herself for this and overlooks his faults because of it. Anna doesn’t know that she is Peter’s mother, her sister could be just as easily.

GH Spoilers – The Brain Mapping Connection
General Hospital’s Peter helped kidnap Drew Cain (Billy Miller) for Andre Maddox’s (Anthony Montgomery) brain mapping procedure. However, his mother and his aunt went through the same procedure years ago. Anna has no idea what memories that she possesses that isn’t her own. Anna has no desire to find out whether or not Peter is her son.

However, General Hospital spoilers and rumors show Anna may discover the truth about whether she is looking for it or not. It would be nice if that was the only thing Anna could discover about Peter. Unfortunately, there is so much more that Anna needs to learn about this man. Peter has a lot of secrets and several of them could land him in prison.

General Hospital Spoilers – Peter August Has Framed Dr. Leisl Obrecht
General Hospital’s Peter has blamed Leisl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati) for all of his crimes. Peter has framed Leisl and she has been sent to The Hague for punishment. Anna knows that Peter could be just as responsible for every crime Leisl is charged with including attempted murder of Franco Baldwin (Roger Howarth), Leisl’s best friend.

According to General Hospital spoilers, Drew is also missing and presumed dead, another of Peter’s crimes. However, Anna could discover that Drew is being held somewhere by none other than Peter himself. Anna could also discover Peter’s connection to Holly Sutton’s (Emma Samms) disappearance and presumed dead as well.

If Anna discovers the truth about Peter, will she turn him in this time? Will Anna do what is needed to protect Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) and her unborn child. Anna has covered for Peter so much already. Will Anna continue to cover for Peter at the expense of everyone in Port Charles? Will Anna lose the son she has grown to love on ABC General Hospital?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

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