General Hospital

General Hospital Rumors: Esme’s Shocking Birth Parents Revealed?

General Hospital spoilers and rumors tease that Esme Prince’s (Avery Kristen Pohl) birth parents could actually be Felicia Scorpio (Kristina Wagner) and Kevin Collins (Jon Lindstrom)! In the time period that Esme would have been conceived, Kevin was with Lucy Coe (Lynn Herring) and he and Mac Scorpio were best friends!

General Hospital Spoilers – Esme Prince Looks Nothing Like Felicia Scorpio But She Looks A Lot Like Ryan Chamberlain
Viewers will have noted seeing Felicia and Esme together that Esme looks nothing like Felicia, nor does she bear any resemblance to Mac; nor does she look very much like Lucy! However, she bears a great resemblance to the man who claims to be her birth father, Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom); so she would to Kevin as well. She is not likely to be Kevin and Lucy’s, because at that time Lucy was pregnant and miscarried; but it’s possible that Kevin and Felicia could have had an indiscretion!

The timing would be right, and Felicia went to spend several months in Texas taking care of her ill mother during that time. It’s understandable if she knew Mac couldn’t be the father and so would Mac, and Kevin could that she could have given up her baby for adoption!

GH Spoilers – Felicia Scorpio Just Met Esme Prince – With Ryan Chamberlain!
Felicia just recently met Esme, and it was when she was with Ryan; he had been brought to GH for some medical tests and she joined him with the code board. She told the guards at his door that she was sent by a Dr. Gould (mentioned character) in case the patient needed to communicate. Felicia and Mac had been in the hospital where Felicia had brought Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms) and Bailey Louise Jones (Harper and Scarlett Prinzo-Berendt) for Bailey’s checkup. She and Mac saw Ryan brought in and Mac briefly had an angry one-way conversation with him. Later, Felicia, also angry, talked the guards into letting her go in the room, where she found Esme and Ryan together!

General Hospital Spoilers – Felicia Scorpio Didn’t Exhibit Any Curiosity Or Recognition
Felicia didn’t exhibit any curiosity or recognition of Esme, but she was with Ryan; she tore into Ryan, wanting to know who he thought he was fooling! She also told Esme everything Ryan had done to her, and there were quite a few things she didn’t know, and confronted him about after Felicia left! Felicia also warned Esme about what Ryan is and what he does and what he would do to her after he was done with her; namely, kill her!

General hospital spoilers show Felicia asked Ryan if Esme was his latest obsession – but didn’t let on if she thought Esme might be her daughter she gave away! Oddly, however, she seemed to know all about the blinking code and exactly how it worked!

GH Spoilers – Felicia Scorpio Related To Nina Reeves About Mistakes
Recently, Felicia invited Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros) into Maxie’s apartment when Nina had been looking for Maxie but she wasn’t home; she appeared to be babysitting but the kids were in bed. She and Nina talked about Nina and the mistakes she made and how Nina was a pariah; Felicia said she’d be her friend because she’d made mistakes too. Considering Nina’s mistakes she talked about were lost chances with her late daughter Nelle Benson (Chloe Lanier) could Felicia have a long lost daughter too? More importantly, could that daughter be Esme, who tracked down the wrong brother as her birth father?

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with GH right now. Come back here often for General Hospital spoilers, news, and updates.

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