General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Terry Alerts Willow: A Bone Marrow Transplant Is An Immediate Must

General Hospital Spoilers hint big news has destroyed Willow Tait’s (Katelyn MacMullen) hopes of not needing a bone marrow transplant, and she may not be ready for what lies ahead. Willow has known since the beginning that her condition was serious, but she still put off treating her cancer to give her baby the best shot at being born without birth defects. Now that she’s moving into her third trimester, Willow is now deep into treatment with chemotherapy.

She couldn’t wait any longer after she received the news that her condition deteriorated from Stage II leukemia to Stage IV — the last stage there is. Willow and Michael Corinthos (Chad Duell) had been hoping the chemotherapy treatments were working some magic. So they were understandably devastated when Dr. Terry Randolph (Cassandra James) calls to tell them that is not the case.

General Hospital Spoilers — Chemo Isn’t Working As Well As They Had Hoped
By the time Willow even began receiving chemotherapy treatments, she was farther along in her pregnancy and had only just told Michael about her diagnosis because she wasn’t going to be able to hide it from him anymore if she needed chemo. Everyone had high hopes for the treatment protocol, including her doctors, but unfortunately, it was not working as well as they had hoped. This is going to leave Willow spiraling as she prays for a bone marrow donor to save her life.

GH Spoilers – Suggest A Bone Marrow Transplant Is A Must
As Michael and Willow rang in the New Year at home together, Willow broke the ice by stating what they both must have been thinking and asking what happens if she’s not here next year. What happens if she leaves Michael alone to raise two children? Sure, he has a massive loving family to rally around him and help him get through that, but Willow can’t help but think of leaving her children without a mother — much the way she felt during her life. If she doesn’t receive a bone marrow transplant soon, it’s not looking good for Willow’s cancer treatment outcome.

General Hospital Spoilers — Drew Cain Is Still Searching, But That’s Not Enough
Drew is still hard at work hoping to solve the mystery of where Willow came from. Even with a global media company behind him carrying Willow’s story all over the country, few sources have turned up any leads. Willow is going to have to open the search for a donor to the public at this point, not reserving it for only family members, although they’re still her best option for a match. This means she’s going to need to tell the rest of their friends and family that she’s sick, too. How will Carly Spencer (Laura Wright) react to this news? Let us know what you think lies ahead, and keep checking back with us for more GH news and spoilers right around the corner.


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