General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Victor And Nikolas’ Shocking Family Reunion

General Hospital spoilers tease that perhaps Victor Cassadine (Charles Shaughnessy) isn’t as dead as everyone believes. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time a Cassadine fakes their death.

It wouldn’t even be the first time Victor did it. Viewers may remember that Leisl O’Brecht once shot Victor, and he was presumed dead for years.

And if that is indeed the case, then it’s only a matter of time before he returns with another plan for world domination.

General Hospital Spoilers – Nikolas Cassadine Is Alive And Well!
Victor isn’t the only Cassadine family member who has pretended to be dead. Nikolas Cassadine (Adam Huss) is also an expert at letting the world believe he is dead when in fact he is very much alive.General Hospital Spoilers: Victor And Nikolas' Shocking Family Reunion

Currently, Ava Jerome (Maura West) believes she killed Nikolas but he survived and fought his way back to health with the help of Dr. Austin Gatlin-Holt (Roger Howarth).

Nikolas is currently in Europe and planning some sort of family reunion, at least according to what he said to Austin.

GH Spoilers – Nikolas Cassadine Has No Intention Of Seeing Laura Collins!
Even though Laura Collins (Genie Francis) is currently searching for Nikolas in Europe as well, Nikolas told Austin he has no plans of reuniting with his mother.

READ THIS: Find out what happens next on General Hospital.

He just wants her to find proof he is still alive so she will stop looking for him. But if that isn’t the reunion that Nikolas is referring to, who is Nikolas planning on reuniting with? Even though he is apparently dead, Victor seems to be the most likely option,

General Hospital Spoilers – Are Nikolas Cassadine And Victor Cassadine Teaming Up?
Perhaps Victor and Nikolas have been in contact and plan to meet up. Perhaps Nikolas will find himself Victor’s ally in whatever scheme Victor is planning next.

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Before he supposedly died, Victor sent a mysterious gift to Charlotte Cassadine (Scarlett Fernandez) that included a letter and tarot cards. It seems possible that Victor is either planning something from beyond the grave or that he isn’t as dead as everyone seems to believe.

This time, perhaps he will have an ally in Nikolas! Nikolas didn’t side with Victor during his last plot, perhaps if they worked together now, they would be more formidable.

GH Spoilers – What Do You Think?
Is Victor really alive? Is Victor the person Nikolas plans to meet in Europe? What is the purpose of the gift Victor sent Charlotte before he “died”?

Anything can happen in Port Charles so stay tuned to General Hospital airing weekdays on ABC.

And don’t forget to check back right here regularly for all your General Hospital news, information and spoilers!

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