General Hospital

General Hospital Spoilers: Julian Jerome Makes A Shocking Move

General Hospital spoilers tease that Julian Jerome (William DeVry) can understand Franco Baldwin’s (Roger Howarth) dilemma, and maybe even sympathize with it; he could even be sympathetic and understanding enough to pay him a visit!

General Hospital Spoilers – Franco “Frankendrew” Baldwin Would Be Thrown For A Loop
“Frankendrew” would definitely be thrown for a loop by a visit from Julian Jerome, his former romantic rival for the affections of Kim Nero (Tamara Braun)! Julian knows that he really can’t blame Franco for stealing his woman, since he is not in his right mind, and the way “Frankendrew” is acting, it doesn’t even seem like the Drew Cain (Billy Miller) that everyone knew in Port Charles is in Franco’s mind; that Drew would never have stolen another man’s woman, and would have kept Kim’s best interests at heart, not have given in to his own lusts!

Even if Drew was still in love with Kim, how long was he deployed when Shiloh Archer (Coby Ryan McLaughlin) kidnapped him and sold him to Helena Cassadine (Constance Towers)? 2012 is only seven years ago and Oscar Nero Quartermaine (Garren Lake Stitt) was sixteen when he died, so he would have been nine years old when Drew went into the memory transfer originally! Why couldn’t Kim have told him about the baby before he was deployed? Something’s wrong there!

GH Spoilers – Julian Jerome Has Moved On From Kim Nero, But Still May Be Concerned For Her
Julian has moved on from Kim, still heartbroken, but accepting the fact that she’s rejected him in favor of what basically is a ghost inhabiting her best friend’s husband’s body! Julian, however, may still be concerned for her and want to know more about her from “Drew”. That may be why he pays him a visit. Additionally, other General Hospital spoilers for the same timeframe say that Cameron Webber (William Lipton) tracks Kim down!

Kim may have truly gone off the deep end and Julian is helping search for her and wants to see if “Drew” can shed any light on where she may be! Perhaps the police are even involved in a search for Kim and Julian figures they won’t think “Frankendrew” is a reliable source to question about where he thinks she might go, so Julian questions him instead! If “Drew” doesn’t know where she is and he’s stuck in Shadybrook, he can’t even help search for her and that is a dilemma in itself!

General Hospital Spoilers – “Frankendrew” Baldwin Can’t Be Blamed For His Feelings Because They Really Are Not His Feelings
Julian understands the frustration of having a missing loved one and not being able to do anything to find him or her. He at least is on the outside and able to search, but “Frankendrew” will feel he is useless and trapped in a looney bin when he should be looking for Kim as well as everyone else is. Julian might be able to convince him that whatever he can say that will help find Kim is still helping find Kim, and perhaps the two men may even bond in an unusual way!

Stay tuned to General Hospital and keep checking General Hospital spoilers frequently for all the latest news, updates and developments!

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