General Hospital

Carly warns Joss after discovering that Adam is the son of tycoon Pikeman General Hospital Spoilers

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At the hospital, Portia begs Elizabeth to please join her for a drink out tonight. Liz says she could use it as she’s been filling in for Bobbie, pulling double duty as chief surgical nurse and temproary head nurse. Portia says hopefully soon they’ll find someone to fill Epiphany’s shoes, but Liz doubts anyone can fill them.

Finn and Terry appear, and they inform Liz the board just briefed them on her future here at the hospital. Terry says Epiphany’s recommendation that she take over as head nurse was presented, Monica also gave Liz her endorsement, and it was an almost unanimous vote to give Liz the job. Terry says Monica was called away and wanted to extend the offer herself, so she hopes she doesn’t mind her best friend doing so. Liz can’t believe this is happening and says she couldn’t have done this without any of them. Finn is sure she could have.

Terry and Finn bring news GH

Liz excuses herself. Terry says she’ll start getting Liz’s paperwork filed, and says she also was given funds for a second in charge under her and wonders if either Finn or Portia would be interested. Both give her a hard pass. Terry exits, and Finn asks Portia how she’s been. She says things have been complicated, but Curtis moved back in, and they are still working things out. She’s holding out hope they can salvage this relationship. She notices Finn looking over at Liz, and thinks he knows how she feels.

Liz calls her gran from the memorial wall area to give her the good news. She looks at the photo of Epiphany, and then her grandfather, and hopes she’s made him proud. Finn and Portia approach and Portia suggests they go celebrate at the Metro Court and Terry said she’d meet them later. Liz invites Finn to come, but he says he has paperwork to do, but they should have fun.

Liz is thrilled GH

Michael visits Willow in her room now that he has clearance. He asks how she’s feeling. She’s exhausted but excited that their family can finally be whole again.

Michael visits Willow GH

Drew stops by to check on Willow, and she thanks him for what he did to bring Obrecht back. She knows her story might have had a different ending if the SEC caught up with him first.

After Drew leaves, Michael has news for Willow. He assures her that he meant it when he said he’d drop his vendetta against Sonny, but his mother has the evidence now and could use it to save herself. Willow says whatever Carly decides, she’ll support her and his family just as they supported her.

Later, Terry stops in to check on Willow and run a few tests, so she needs Michael to step out.

In Zeke’s Metro Court room, he and Jordan have a passionate evening. Afterward, Zeke asks if she’s still thinking about that kiss with her ex. She sighs but says perhaps it’s time she does start having a little no-strings-attached fun.

Zeke and Jordan sexy time GH

Zeke gets a bunch of texts from a client trying to get hold of him. He apologizes but must get back to them. He returns the client’s call, who turns out to be Drew. Drew asks Zeke to meet him at the Metro Court pool. Meanwhile, Jordan dresses, and Zeke asks for her number. Instead, she offers her phone for him to put his number into so she can call him, should she decide to. Later Zeke takes off to meet his client but leaves his room key behind. Jordan finds it and thinks he’ll need it.

In the bar, Valentin leaves a message with Anna to call him. He runs into Martin and asks him where Anna is. Martin doesn’t know where she is, but assures him that she’s not in danger, and just has a lot on her mind. He thinks Anna will reach out to him in time. Valentin gets a text, which isn’t fro Anna, but is business.

Valentin runs into Martin GH

At their table, Ned and Olivia celebrate that they’re no longer at odds. Nina approaches them and comments that they seem happy. Ned says his wife now knows he didn’t turn Carly and Drew into the SEC. Olivia explains she looked into Ned’s heart and knows he’s innocent, and now Sonny is coming around. Nina squirms and says they must be so relieved and she’ll leave them alone. Ned wonders about Nina’s awkwardness. Olivia notes Nina would love nothing more than for her and Carly to be at their throats. Olivia believes they need to put this family back together and start doing so by finding out who tipped off the SEC.

Olivia nervous around Ned GH

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Nina approaches Valentin and Martin at the bar and tells Valentin how sorry she is to hear about what the WSB has done to Anna. He thanks her but says he has to go. Martin tells Nina he came to see her as he has news. They move to the terrace and Martin warns her the feds are leaning on him to give her up as the SEC tipster. He says the feds are trying to get Carly to flip on Sonny.

Martin warns Nina GH

Drew meets with Zeke up at the pool bar and thanks him for coming. He wants Zeke, as his lawyer, to call the SEC and orchestrate a deal. Zeke assumes he’s going to turn in Carly, but Drew’s turning himself in. Drew explains the feds are trying to get Carly to flip on Sonny, but he knows she won’t. He tells him that his going down makes the most sense out of the three of them. Zeke advises him against this. Drew asks him to just draw up a deal, because he still has one ace up his sleeve he hopes to play.

Drew and Zeke meet GH

Later, Jordan runs into Zeke at the restaurant bar and gives him his keycard back. He asks what makes her think he didn’t leave it for her. He offers her a drink, but she says that’s what started this. She says she’ll give him a call and leaves.

As Jordan boards the elevator, Portia and Liz arrive and Portia squeals when she sees her brother. She introduces her brother to Liz, and Jordan’s jaw drops.

Back at the pool, Drew calls Tracy to meet him at the pool bar. He has an important matter to discuss with her, away from the family.

Meanwhile, Olivia tells Ned it would go a long way to mending fences if they could find the guilty party. Ned says Carly and Drew are the guilty parties, and even if he proves it wasn’t him who turned them in, it doesn’t change the fact that Drew and Michael were quick to crucify him. He doesn’t see them bouncing back to run ELQ together again. Olivia says he should be the bigger person. Olivia has to check in with the chef and suggests Ned snag them a table on the terrace.

Olivia has a plan GH

Back out on the terrace, Nina cries to Martin that she never would have done this if she knew it would get Sonny in trouble, or would have caused problems for Willow’s transplant. Ned approaches and hears Martin assure Nina he’ll do everything he can to prevent the feds from learning she tipped off the SEC. Ned ducks around the corner as Martin exits.

Ned catches Nina GH

At Sonny’s office, Dex tells his boss that everything is set at the warehouse. He asks what’s on Sonny’s mind. Sonny says Olivia insists Ned didn’t call the SEC on Carly and Drew, and he’s starting to believe her. Sonny feels there was no tipster and the feds are using Carly to try and nail him. Sonny notes it wouldn’t be the first time they came after him through those he cares about. He explains this life has its down points, but its good points too. Sometimes you must bend the rules to survive, something the two of them have in common. However, he reminds Dex he broke his trust and is still earning it back. Dex asks why he’s wasting his time with him. Sonny says he sees great potential in him and can give him what he’s always wanted, a place he belongs. He tells Dex he’s all in now, and then tells him he can go.

Dex wonders why GH

Dex returns and says he was on his way out when Valentin arrived to see him. Dex shows him in, and Sonny asks Dex to stay. Valentin relays he just got off the phone with Hume, and Pikeman is going ahead with the second shipment. Sonny angrily notes he only agreed to do so if they found the sniper. Valentin thinks that’s out of their reach and makes them look bad to admit they couldn’t find out who it was. Sonny isn’t pleased they are calling his buff. Sonny tells Valentin to let Pikeman know to get the shipment ready, but nothing ships until he knows what the threat against him is. Valentin understands.

Sonny is not happy GH

Sonny sends Dex to do some work. Alone, Sonny asks Valentin how Anna is. Valentin wishes he knew. Sonny explains when Anna is hurt, she usually doesn’t like to burden the people she cares about. Valentin gets that, but he is just not used to being in a relationship when they are both that person. Valentin says he saw a ring on Nina’s finger and congratulates Sonny. He calls her an amazing woman and says they need to be good to one another.

Valentin and Sonny GH

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Joss stops by her mom’s house where Carly holds the flash drive. Joss asks what it is, and Carly tells her that she knows exactly what this is. Carly seethes that she knows Dex was hired by Michael to infiltrate Sonny’s organization. Joss tells her mother now that she has evidence, she needs to use it to save herself and Drew and finish what Michael couldn’t. She says this could also save Dex and keeps Donna from Sonny.

Carly yells that Joss needs to drop this bloodlust of hers when it comes to Sonny. Joss vents that Sonny hurt them all. Carly tells her that Sonny cannot go to jail. Joss feels it’s better for Sonny to go than her. Carly reminds Joss that Sonny raised her, and his life isn’t cut and dry and she knows that. Joss cries she bought into the fantasy that Sonny used his power for good, and he’d do right by her mom. She says Sonny’s not that man now, and all she sees is the pain he’s brought to their family over the years when she looks at him.

Joss lashes out GH

Carly argues that’s not entirely true. Joss informs her to tell that to Dex, to Willow, and to Morgan. Joss immediately apologizes for bringing Morgan up. Carly tells Joss to just stop, drops the drive, and smashes it under her foot. A stunned Joss picks up the remains of the drive and wonders what her mother just did, Carly says what she should have done initially when Michael handed it to her. Joss cries her mother just condemned Dex. Carly says he’ll be fine. She asks Joss to stay with Donna as she’s going to fix everything.

Dex stops by later and sees Joss is upset. Joss says it’s over and there is no way out for them.

Joss and Dex over GH

Meanwhile, Carly arrives at the hospital and comes face to face with Michael.

On the next General Hospital: Drew calls Tracy the answer to his problems. Chase asks Brook Lynn why she’s returned to Deception. Dante asks someone for help with Anna. Dex informs Joss this is his best option and he’s going to take it. Sonny says, “Some things are better-said face to face.” Carly has it out with Michael over what he did. Ned says to someone, “It was you all along.”

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