General Hospital

Curtis died after a failed surgery, and Portia deeply regretted ABC General Hospital Spoilers

They say that when it rains, it pours, and right now, General Hospital‘s Trina is standing in an emotional downpour. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look as if things are going to get better anytime soon. Worse, when she needs her beau the most, Spencer is off taking parenting classes with Esme, of all people.

Spencer Esme class GH

Things are looking grim for Trina’s newly-minted dad, Curtis. Although both Sonny and Anna believe they were the ones being targeted by the shots fired at the Metro Court, it’s Curtis who wound up taking a bullet. Were it to have struck him in the arm or shoulder, the tough guy might already be up and running, helping Dante and Chase figure out the identity of the gunman. But instead, he’s in the hospital, fighting for his very life!

Curtis is shot GH

“Curtis has been stabilized, but he’s still unconscious,” a doctor informed Portia and Trina at the end of the episode airing on July 10. “He’s gnna need surgery to remove the bullet, which is complicated by the fact that the bullet is lodged against Curtis’ spine.”

Now, the long wait begins as Curtis is taken into the ER. But would the fates really be so cruel as to take him away from Trina only weeks after she found out he’s her biological dad? (Or so we think for now… more than a few folks think those paternity tests might have been tampered with, and that Taggert is on a downward spiral for no good reason.)

Curtis supports Trina GH

It looks as if we may not have an answer as to Curtis’ ultimate fate for a while, as the latest spoilers — which you can check out here — indicate that his surgery won’t begin until later in the week. And given that Trina is an emotional mess at week’s end, could that mean that despite the best efforts of her dad’s doctors, Curtis winds up not in the recovery room, but the morgue?

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