Sister Wives

‘Sister Wives’: Kody Brown ‘Fears Poverty’ – Trio of Ex-Wives Look to Recoup Money?

Sister Wives: Kody Brown

But reports this week indicate his trio of ex-wives may look to recoup some of their financial contributions to their failed plural marriages. The latest news has Christine Brown, Meri Brown, and Janelle Brown allegedly exploring their legal options.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown’s Worst Fear Popping Up?
Kody Brown likely hoped for an amicable split as wives one, two, and three dropped off, with Robyn Brown as his only wife left. Well, he might have hoped for it, but he didn’t seem to behave that way on the Sister Wives show.

Usually, if someone is looking to walk away without hard feelings, you don’t toss derogatory comments their way.

But Kody Brown lashed out at the trio of women he’s been with for decades. And he did so on national television during the three-part One-on-One finale of this past last season.


Sister Wives: Kody Brown

A new report indicates that Janelle, Christine, and Meri have decided to size things up. It seems that they’ve put a good deal of money into the family over the years.

But they won’t see any of it back. So, the latest Sister Wives buzz points to these ladies, none of whom were legally married to Kody Brown when they split, now seeking legal advice.

Pooled Money Used to Purchase Robyn Brown’s House
Kody Brown and his fourth wife live in a luxury home. But they purchased the house with money from the family’s pooled earnings. Janelle mentioned something about her money going to Robyn’s home purchase during the Sister Wives One-on-One segments.

Now Kody and Robyn sit with the Coyote Pass land. It’s hard to imagine Janelle or Meri still wanting to build there. Christine already made her move to Utah, where she plans to stay.

So, she’s not building there. The ex-wives said nothing about what their finances look like today. But it’s unlikely that Kody still holds all their purse strings.

It would make sense for the original three Sister Wives brides to keep their own salaries from the TLC show. If that’s the case then this would present a substantial cut to Kody’s finance pool.

Sister Wives: Does Kody’s Anger Hinge on Finances?
Since Kody said during the One-on-One that his “only fear is poverty,” maybe this is where his anger stems from. TLC pays the spouses each a salary, which they pooled for years in one family account. So, that meant at one time five separate salaries went into their shared money.

But with Kody’s three original wives gone, that would likely leave him missing three out of the five salaries they once used for the family. So, maybe this anger witnessed on the show is one way his fear surfaces. He seems really peeved off at the wives during the One-on-One episodes.

Now his three ex-wives allegedly seek to recoup some of what their money purchased over the years, this might explain why Kody’s fear seemed to grow to new heights. Most fans back Meri, Janelle, and Christine if they seek any money that’s rightfully theirs.

After all, they put a lot of money into the family’s real estate holdings, like Coyote Pass. Only time will tell if the ex-wives look for reimbursement, which could end up snowballing into Kody Brown’s worst fear.

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