Sister Wives

‘Sister Wives’: Robyn Brown’s Sacrifices Don’t Hold Water?

She no longer shares her husband with any wives. Wife number four became Kody Brown’s only wife as the Tell-All formats revealed the latest status of these marriages. The three original wives no longer share the husband who gained fame for his polygamous lifestyle.

Sister Wives: Robyn Brown Sings a New Tune
Robyn Brown became the only wife sometime within the last year. The other wives dropped off Kody Brown’s roster. One left making it well-known she jumped ship. But two others seemed to make their exit quietly.

It started with Christine Brown making the move and leaving Kody, the family, and Flagstaff. She considers herself divorced and was proud to share this with the public.

Next came Janelle Brown who considers herself separated from her once Sister Wives shared husband. She quietly backed out of the marriage.

Then there’s Meri Brown, who had no say in the decision. Kody blindsided her during the Sister Wives One-on-One episodes. He declared he no longer considers himself married to Meri anymore. So, she ended up being one of the last to know that her marriage failed.

Sister Wives: Robyn Brown

Next Robyn Brown starts pointing the finger of blame. She believes the other wives didn’t treat Kody as they would a “best customer.” This is her motto for keeping her husband happy.

She washed her hands of their problems, saying they needed to find a way to keep their marriages intact. But they failed.

This sounds like a different Robyn Brown from the last Sister Wives season, who made it her business to prompt Kody to make his marriages work. She even gave him pointers for reeling Christine back in.

New Status Whips Away Robyn’s Identity
In the final episode of the Sister Wives One-on-One for Season 17, Robyn looked angry over the ruin of her polygamy lifestyle. She blamed the other wives for taking it away from her.

But now she says she feels she’s lost her identity. It seems Robyn Brown puts a ton of stock in being polygamous. Especially if she relates it to her identity and now it’s gone.

Many mothers out there in monogamous relationships probably don’t call monogamy their identity. More than likely, they see themselves as a mom, or a partner if they’re in a relationship. So, for some people, this was an odd thing to hear coming from Robyn.

This now brings up the question if Kody and his now-only wife will rebuild their relationship into a plural marriage. Kody said he’s at a point where monogamy seems the way to go. Robyn doesn’t want a monogamous marriage.

But she threw in a disclaimer with that thought during the final Sister Wives One-on-One. It worries her to bring new wives into their marriage after all the loss Kody Brown suffered from his failed marriages.

Sister Wives: Conflicting Info Comes Up?
Already Robyn Brown is sharing the sacrifices she claims to have made for Kody and his wives. She felt pulled into the other wives’ problems even if they have nothing to do with her.

Not only is she making the sacrifice of not living in a plural marriage. She feels Kody’s three previous wives cheated her kids out of this glorious Sister Wives family lifestyle. But as fans point out on social media there are too many discrepancies in what Robyn claims today.

Robyn lives and owns a house worth almost a million dollars today. She doesn’t work outside the home, so fans suggest the other Sister Wives’ brides, who she claims jilted her out of plural marriage, helped pay for that luxury living.

The first time Robyn went to meet Kody’s family, she lived about three hours away. She didn’t even have the money for gas to get there.

So, Robyn borrowed it from her cousin who came along for support. With that said, when the fans say Robyn was broke when she came into the family, it seems this incident would support that.

Robyn wrote about her lack of money as a single mom in a book the Brown family penned together. So, from where many viewers sit today, Robyn Brown’s sacrifice claim doesn’t hold water. Sister Wives fans suggest that all those so-called sacrifices were made by the three women who she shared her husband with.

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