Sister Wives

Sister Wives’ Janelle Brown Doesn’t Consider Herself ‘Divorced’

Janelle and Kody Brown

While the future of Sister Wives feels uncertain, Janelle Brown is certain about one thing, and that’s her marital status. Indeed, it’s hard to say what the show might look like in the coming year.

Given the popularity, it would be foolish for TLC to drop the show outright. But that begs the question of how Sister Wives could go on considering Kody Brown really only has one wife at this point.

In December 2022, Janelle confirmed that she and Kody had been separated for a few months. Now, however, separated isn’t the word Janelle would use. She wouldn’t use divorce either. So, how would Janelle describe her marital status?

Janelle and Christine’s thoughts on their splits from Kody

Janelle told PEOPLE she doesn’t consider herself truly divorced. “Because we never were legally married, I can’t really say I’m divorced.” Her reasoning was fair enough given the marriage was only official in a spiritual sense. She further explained, “I just say ‘I’m no longer with [him]’ when I explain it to outside people, I’m like, ‘I’m no longer with my partner.’”

She went on, “It’s nebulous for me at this point. It depends on who I’m talking to really. I guess I just consider myself single, I don’t consider myself divorced or separated or whatever. I just think I’m single.” Janelle differed from her sister wife Christine Brown who took pride in saying she was “straight-up divorced.”

Christine shared, “I like things clear-cut. I don’t like gray lines. I can tell you the date I was divorced.” She didn’t suppose Kody was very happy about how open she was with her divorced status. Christine added, “But if we were in our church, there’s certain rules we’d have to follow and everything like that. But we’re not in that church, we haven’t been in that church for years.”

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