Sister Wives

‘Sister Wives’: Tony Set to Give Kody a Run for His Money in Season 18?

Sister Wives: Tony Padron - Kody Brown

Sister Wives star Kody Brown may find Tony Padron causes him more sorrow as Season 18 gets underway. Mykelti Brown Padron‘s husband has become a quirky yet loveable breakout star of the TLC show. So why wouldn’t the series jump on the chance to give the viewers what they want?

Sister Wives: Kody Brown Wallows in Sorrow
Season 17 has Kody Brown filled with lots of regrets. Although he won’t take responsibility for some things other than kicking himself for not keeping a tighter rein on his wives. So, that didn’t sit too well with Sister Wives fans.

This week Kody Brown officiates a friend’s wedding. In an episode titled “The Failed Priest” Kody is overcome by conflict as he oversees the vows of this couple after one wife just left him

Sister Wives: Kody Brown

For fans, this is yet another example of Kody’s regrets coming through. He seems more invested in how this failed marriage looks to others than in missing the wife who left him.

So, as he wallows in sorrow, fans find it is more about losing face than anything else. He did promise to show a functional polygamous marriage and he, himself called it dysfunctional today.

Tony Padron Breaks Through the Doom
After watching Papa Tony Padron help Mykelti Brown Padron through the birthing process, fans love him even more. When Tony first graced the Sister Wives scene his entertainment value was getting under Kody Brown’s skin.

He wasn’t at all intimidated by his pending father-in-law when first meeting him. From then on, he did things that seemed to irritate Kody Brown without even realizing this.

But just recently Tony Padron not only played out heart-warming scenes but a few comical ones as well during this season.

Sister Wives: Tony Padron - Mykelti Padron - Christine Brown

While waiting for his wife to deliver their first child, the camera caught a nervous Tony scratching his feet. He seemed oblivious to the camera. But when it got down to the wire and the baby was close to being born, he sprung into action.

He was hands-on with Mykelti trying to massage away some of the pain. He never left her side despite all the things he said he feared about childbirth.

Before she was too far gone in labor he worried about the sights and smells to come. Yes, fans want to see more of this couple. They’d like to see Sister Wives give Kody who seems to do a lot of moaning these days, a rest.

So, if Sister Wives remains the same, featuring the four families that were meant to be one, then Kody may have competition.

Tony doesn’t go for polygamy, as his loyalty is to Mykelti only. He may give Kody a run for his money. Tony shines through as a man who seems to know the meaning of a good husband.

Sister Wives: Tony Outshines Kody in Husband Material?
Recent reports put Mykelti already filming, so it looks like Christine’s daughter and son-and-law have some part in the next season.

Christine already said she’d remain part of the Sister Wives show to the end. But many fans hope for a spinoff featuring Christine Brown facing her new life in Utah.

Since she’s near Mykelti and Tony Padron it would be easy to have them as part of a series. Plus, Tony and Mykelti will soon have twins, which gives Christine even more family members for a show of her own.

Fans would likely find it as a breath of fresh air seeing a husband on Sister Wives treat a wife the way Tony Padron treats Mykelti Padron. He seems to adore Mykelti as his one and only love. Plus, he also treats her like a partner as well.

Fans suggest that this Sister Wives’ daughter didn’t marry a guy just like her father, as many women tend to do. Along with Christine and her offspring, viewers would like to see Janelle Brown in this spinoff too.

If a spinoff happened for Christine, there are two interesting men to take Kody’s place on the show. That’s her son Paedon Brown, who is a breath of fresh air for many of his followers on social media.

Then, of course, there’s Tony Padron. And… fans want to see more of him on the TLC screen. Either way, it looks like Kody Brown has a bit of competition when it comes to Tony Padron.



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