Sister Wives

Janelle Brown Moves Away – Second of the ‘Sister Wives’ to Pull up Stakes

Sister Wives: Janelle Brown

Sister Wives star Janelle Brown said she’s absorbing all Coyote Pass has to offer during her final few days on the land and then she’ll move away. She loves all the nature outside her door while living on the barren land. Still, the property is long overdue for a few dwellings. But, Janelle decided to pull up stakes. Or in her case, to get her wheels in motion.

Sister Wives: Second Spouse Janelle Brown Making A Move
Janelle Brown is the second wife from the Sister Wives family to move in recent months. Janelle had no choice but to leave her home among the wild. With the snow flurries starting soon, she needed necessities that living off-grid doesn’t always offer.

So, it sounds like this move isn’t easy for the mom of six. Originally, Janelle’s stay in an RV on the land they own came out of necessity. Its owners sold the Flagstaff rental home where she lived, so the Sister Wives celeb had to vacate.

Sister Wives: Janelle Brown

From what Brown spouses said in the past, rental property is nearly non-existent in Flagstaff. Kody Brown once suggested building some homes as rental income out on Coyote Pass. But four very aggravated Sister Wives said no to Kody’s idea.

Janelle Brown was the first of the Sister Wives to set up housekeeping on their land. It served a few purposes for her aside from her housing need. It was economical compared to renting. But the biggest was that Janelle was infatuated with the idea of RV living. So, she got to live one of her dreams.

Christine Made A Different Type Of Move
Christine Brown also relocated not long ago. Unlike Janelle, Christine bought a home in Flagstaff when they relocated from Las Vegas. She found the housing market very limited and couldn’t find a suitable rental that would accept her pets. Then, the Sister Wives animal lover bought a place. On the deed, Kody Brown was listed as a co-owner.

Christine Brown seemed to grow unhappier in Flagstaff as time progressed. Once Utah decriminalized polygamy, she wanted to move back there. In Utah, they’d be among fellow polygamists. Plus, it’s an area where their religion was more widely accepted, something Flagstaff or Vegas didn’t offer the Sister Wives bunch.

A few months back, Kody Brown signed the house over to Christine, per reports. This seems out of the norm as Kody had his name on all the past and present property deeds we’ve seen. Now, Janelle Brown is moving back into town for the winter.

But third of the Sister Wives, Christine, moved hours away to Utah after selling her Flagstaff home for $700,000. Records indicate she’s making her home at a $1.1 million duplex. But she’s not listed as owning any property in either Arizona or Utah at this time. So, she may be renting out of state.

Sister Wives: Janelle Still Wants a Future at Coyote Pass?
It appears Janelle Brown still hopes for a Coyote Pass home. When the new season of Sister Wives rolls out on November 21 on TLC, some “gritty” scenes emerge, according to Christine. The latest preview video for the new season shows Kody is sitting around with all four Sister Wives as they map out the lots to build on there.

Each gets a parcel of land to build a house of their liking. No doubt, those are within financial limits set by Kody Brown. Now, Janelle is moving out of her RV and off their land, but she didn’t say where. The only detail she offered was “in town.” While she loved the wildlife and nature out her RV’s front door, she felt a bit cramped.

Janelle Brown posted photos when first moving into that RV showing how she got creative. For instance, her stove doubled up as a coffee table until mealtime. The Sister Wives ladies seem unlikely to offer couch surfing privileges to their co-spouses.

Even with Meri Brown alone in a big rental home, it’s unlikely Janelle will hunker all winter long with another of her Sister Wives. But she won’t rough out the winter elements at Coyote Pass. So, where will Janelle Brown take shelter? We’ll let you know where the TLC wife lands

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