Sister Wives

‘Sister Wives’: Gwendlyn Brown Spills Shocking Info on Kody & Family – Top 10 Tidbits

Sister Wives: Kody Brown - Gwendlyn Brown

Sister Wives star Gwendlyn Brown spits out info on Kody Brown and the rest of the family in real-time, which may end up curling Kody’s toes when he hears it. The 21-year-old daughter of Kody and Christine Brown didn’t seem to hold much back.

That is except for one question that had to do with her. But she let it rip when answering questions about her father, Meri Brown, Janelle Brown, Christine Brown, and Robyn Brown. Plus, even some of her siblings and stepsiblings as well.

#1 Sister Wives: Gwendlyn Brown a Fountain of Info
Gwendlyn Brown and her best friend from childhood, Sarah, just rocked the Sister Wives world. The two appear in a few videos with Sarah reading the fans’ questions out loud for Gwen to answer. Oh, and answer she did. Gwen Brown and her bestie appear in the photo below

Sister Wives: Gwendlyn Brown - Sarah - Best Friend

If you wonder about Janelle Brown leaving Kody Brown, she offers up the answer. Do you want to know if Kody puts on his snarly attitude just for the camera?

Well, she gives you that answer as well. From Meri Brown’s loneliness to Kody Brown’s temper, it’s all shared by Gwendlyn. So, just where do we start? Well, how about from the top-down starting with Kody Brown?

#2 Kody Brown’s Attitude Comes from Creating a Life He Never Wanted
One fan asked if Kody is as abusive in real life as he is on camera. Gwendlyn said it’s about the same, although he is a little nicer when on camera. But she also throws in an excuse for her father. A lot of what you’ve seen is due to Kody’s unhappiness.

“Having so many wives and forcing himself to believe in something that he wasn’t really for,” did him in, according to Gwendlyn.

Sister Wives: Kody Brown

He tried to create a family out of his ideals, but it turns out it wasn’t what he wanted. So, his angst came through in a lot of his dealings with his wives on the Sister Wives show. Gwendlyn says her dad is doing much better today, as he’s “healing.”

But when he caught Gwen’s segment on the show he gave her a call. Gwen said on camera that she saw the divorce between her mom Christine and Kody coming. She also said she was happy for her mom. Kody called to say he was hurt seeing this, but he forgives her.

#3 Sister Wives: What’s Up with Kody’s Seating Arrangement at Logan Brown’s Wedding?
Kody didn’t sit with the rest of the family as Logan Brown exchanged vows at the altar to Michelle Petty. He sat on the other side of the room from the rest of the Sister Wives’ family. Only Robyn Brown and her children sat with Kody.

Gwen suggested that Logan Brown had a rough time with the seating arrangement since so many in the family aren’t talking to one another.

But while she spilled these beans, she didn’t mention any names. Although she did say she sat with Leon, who comes from Meri’s side of the family, and Audrey Kriss.

#4 Janelle Brown Left Her Shared Hubby
Well, it looks as if Janelle is no longer the wife of Kody indicated by Gwendlyn’s reaction to two questions. When first asked if Janelle is still with Kody, she changed the subject.

But after they talked about Logan’s wedding and the father and mother of the groom staying away from each other, another question came up.

One fan wanted to know if she was saying that her father only had two wives left. So, is Gwen saying it’s only Robyn and Meri left for Kody? The answer is yes.

Gwendlyn said yes. She then hesitated and said, I think so. So, it makes sense that Janelle hasn’t said anything official as yet. They are still rolling out new episodes for Season 17. But the non-disclosure contract all the Sister Wives stars sign would likely prevent her from announcing a split.

#5 Sister Wives: Ysabel Brown No Longer in North Carolina
It also makes sense that Ysabel moving back home with her mom in Utah isn’t common knowledge. Sister Wives spent a good deal of airtime last week on Ysabel leaving for North Carolina to go to college there.

She moved in with Caleb and Maddie Brown, her half-sister, and their little family to attend classes at a college nearby. But from what Gwen says, her sister now lives in Utah to be with her mom. She attends a local college there now.

#6 Gwendlyn Explodes Then Clams Up Over Paedon Brown Question
Both Gwendlyn and Paedon Brown mentioned their relationship had been estranged at one time or another during the last few seasons. But both have remained tight-lipped on the reason behind this.

These two are full siblings, both are kids born to Christine and Kody. So, when she was asked if they’d ever talk again, she exploded and said no, with a few choice words. Then another fan asked what happened between Gwen and her brother, she simply said that she doesn’t talk about it.

#7 Sister Wives: Meri Brown Hot Commodity
Gwendlyn painted a picture of Kody’s first wife that was rather sad. She said she loves Meri Brown and sees her as super sweet. But she also shared that Meri is a “hot commodity” today, so she’s not around as much.

It seems Meri has two families now, one of course is what’s left of the Sister Wives. The other family consists of her friends.

Gwendlyn said Meri is around her friends more because they are kinder to her. So, it sounds as if Gwendlyn sees that Meri isn’t treated very nicely within the Kody Brown family.

#8 Do You Like Robyn Brown?
When asked if she liked Robyn Brown a quick “no” shot out of Gwendlyn’s mouth. But she wanted to pass by that question because she didn’t want to start drama.

Still, Gwendlyn said yes when asked if the rules they all had to follow about COVID came from Robyn. She also said that Robyn is her father’s wife while not giving that title to any of the other women he married. She snickered after calling Robyn her dad’s wife as well.

#9 Do You Like Robyn’s Kids
Does Gwendlyn like Robyn’s kids? Well, she used to, she said. When her friend Sarah brought up Aurora and said that she gets along with her, all Gwen would say is good for you.

So, it sounds like along with Robyn Brown, there’s not much love lost for her kids either from the way Gwen reacted. It looks like the family is in splinters from the adults to the kids.

#10 How Is Christine Brown Doing?
Christine Brown is the best, and she’s doing wonderful, Gwendlyn answered when asked this question about her mom. Even Sarah, who called Christine one of her besties, couldn’t say enough nice things about Christine Brown.

Both Gwendlyn and her friend were proud of her for leaving the Sister Wives family and heading out on her own. This daughter supports her mother’s decision and said she wanted her mom to leave her unhappiness behind, as she did by leaving Kody.

So, there you have it, Janelle Brown is single, or so Gwendlyn suggested. Meri Brown is treated badly but found a nice life among her friends. Robyn Brown has Kody all to herself, and she’s not well-liked by this daughter.

What you saw in the pictures from Logan’s wedding is just what everyone suspected. Kody formed his own little family with Robyn and her kids.

Logan had the burden of making a seating arrangement while keeping in mind who doesn’t talk to who out of this dysfunctional polygamous family.

So, this seems to prove the Sister Wives patriarch was telling the truth when calling his once big family dysfunctional today.

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