Sister Wives

‘Sister Wives’: Robyn Lets Dayton Move Out – Into Backyard

Sister Wives: Robyn Brown - Dayton Brown

Sister Wives star Robyn Brown‘s oldest child, Dayton Brown, now lives in her backyard, but the reason for this shouldn’t surprise fans of this TLC show.

In a new interview dropped today, Paedon Brown offers his view from inside the family. It seems the only son of Christine Brown becomes a treasure trove for behind-the-scenes information about the now-fractured Brown family.

Sister Wives: Robyn Brown Mothering Overload?
Robyn Brown’s mothering style is way different from ex-co-wives’ approach to raising children, according to Paedon. First and foremost, the disdain that Paedon has for Robyn Brown, in no way reflects his feelings for Dayton.

Sister Wives: Robyn Brown - Dayton Brown

He says he adores Dayton, who is an awesome Sister Wives sibling. But he would like to see Dayton get out from under his mother’s influence, as she won’t “untie the umbilical cord.”

A few years back, Kody Brown pretty much ordered the family to move to Flagstaff. Almost immediately, rumors swirled online that his decision was due to Robyn Brown’s need to be near Dayton.

Once he became accepted into a college in Flagstaff, fans thought Robyn went into her moving mode. It turns out they were right, according to Paedon Brown’s interview with John Yates.

Dayton Brown Wanted a Solo College Experience
The entire family moved from Vegas, where they owned four homes and had a comfortable living. But as soon as Dayton’s college plans were made, Robyn insisted on a move to Flagstaff.

Paedon Brown outlines how this move came to be. Along with how ludicrous this looked for the Sister Wives’ family. He started by describing the location of Flagstaff, a place that meant nothing to any family member except Robyn.

None of the Sister Wives adults ever lived there. None of the Brown kids wanted to live there, but they all followed Dayton Brown to college. Paedon reveals what many of the fans surmised all along.

He shares how this Flagstaff move was all about Robyn’s need to be near Dayton. But Christine’s son made it very clear that there’s no blame on Dayton. All he wanted was a solo gig at college which would entail a move away from home.

Sister Wives: Robyn Gives Dayton a Few Feet of Freedom Today?
Apparently, Dayton Brown, who turns 23 in a few days, recently wanted to fly the nest. But according to Paedon, Robyn finagled that move, making sure he wasn’t too far out of the house. So, she let Dayton spread his wings, but only as far as her backyard.

A while back, a quick glimpse of an RV surfaced in Kody and Robyn’s backyard during a Sister Wives episode. Many fans thought this was Janelle Brown’s RV that she towed there to store for the winter. But in the photo below, if you compare the two RVs, they look a bit different.
Sister Wives: Kody Brown - Robyn Brown - Backyard RV

Paedon confirmed that all five of Robyn’s biological kids are affected by their mother’s smothering. But as a grown man, Dayton Brown wanted to fly the Sister Wives’ nest. But the backyard is only as far as Robyn allegedly allowed him to go.

It looks as if Robyn Brown somehow conjured up a new RV to plank down in the backyard for Dayton. This comes on the heels of Kody Brown complaining about all the money Janelle Brown spent on an RV for her Coyote Pass summer home.

So, it looks like when it comes to a helicopter mom, Robyn Brown seems to have perfected her art of hovering. Especially now with Dayton Brown living just feet away from her home. It’s the same luxury home that she shares with her husband on the TLC series.


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