Sister Wives

Sister Wives: Meri Brown’s Shocking Appearance Sparks Sadness in Season 18

Sister Wives: Meri Brown

Sister Wives star Meri Brown looks like a different woman when the TLC series rolls out its premiere of Season 18. She looks somewhat beaten down by life. But from what the preview reveals it seems she has good reason to be. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. In this case, all you need is just one photo of this sad wife, and it tells a long, harrowing story.

Sister Wives: Meri Brown Calls It Drama – Others May Call It Abuse
Meri Brown appears distraught with nowhere to turn as the new season begins. Her shared husband becomes rather flippant in dismissing her as his wife. It sounds like this woman, who started this polygamous family with him, is of no use to him anymore.

When TLC edits, sometimes things are taken out of context. Because of this, you’re never quite sure if a response or a quip actually goes along with what the TLC trailer is showing on the screen.

But there’s no disguising the words Kody Brown speaks about Meri. Today some fans describe them as cruel. One of the first things you notice in the new promo video is the original Sister Wives matriarch. Clips from Season 18 offer a shocking appearance of a woman who looks like a cloud of doom hovers overhead.

Sister Wives: Meri Brown / Before and After Pics

It looks like the first wife of the Sister Wives clan refuses to give up on her marriage. So, Kody seems to force the issue. Then as Meri Brown goes through this, she calls it a lot of drama.

But some fans took to social media to suggest it’s bordering on abusive. The one thing you can’t help noticing is how Meri looks. From her facial features to the way she holds herself, it looks like she’s beaten up by life.

But once you jump over to social media and get a gander o how she looks and acts today, then it’s a totally different story. Smiles replace the frowns, she holds her head high, and she dropped a load of weight to add to her new healthy lifestyle.

Meri’s World Ends as Robyn Brown Worries About a Future Porch
In the video clip below, fans are led to believe Meri struggles with her marriage demise. It is almost as if she’s a ship without a port.

Kody tells the Sister Wives camera that he doesn’t understand why Meri is still in Flagstaff. That’s easy to answer, she still considers herself part of Kody’s family. Or she did during some of the filming of Season 18

While it looks like Robyn Brown is on her side, that remains to be seen. At one point Meri snaps at her co-wife as if she’s not seeing the big picture for Meri’s future.

Robyn has a meltdown over being unable to sit with her sister wives on a futuristic porch in her old age. The only wife Kody has left became so distressed. You might expect this type of reaction coming from a horrendous tragedy. But falling apart over an imaginary porch without her elderly sister wives somewhere in the very distant future is rough.

Instead, fans learn that the implosion of the Sister Wives’ marriages messed up Robyn’s future plans on this porch in her head. So Robyn’s complaint is a little over the edge. But it is easy to see the toll all this takes on Meri.

Sister Wives: What’s Wrong With This Picture?
The sadness on Meri Brown’s face is just the tip of the iceberg. She seems almost despondent when not fighting for her rightful place among Kody’s roster.

But thankfully for social media, the viewers of the Sister Wives show get a quick fix before the next season hits the screen. It’s unbelievable the transformation Meri Brown went through between the seasons. She’s thriving today as seen in before and after photos in this article.

Sister Wives: Meri Brown / Before and After Pics

It’s like she decided to move on but not just shuffle along. She’s done enough shuffling around Kody Brown while expressing her hopes of him loving her again like a wife. So to watch her in the new season will undoubtedly become heartbreaking to her fans.

But Meri left it all behind, and it appears she decided to live her best life. Check out the difference in Kody Brown’s first wife after she brushed herself off and went on with life without her shared husband.

So, while the new Sister Wives season plays out, Meri’s plight pulls at her fans’ heartstrings for sure. But a jump over to the online world for a look at Meri in real-time. This offers the fans a quick fix after watching the new TLC promo video and who now feel Meri Brown’s pain.

The official start date for Season 18 is Sunday, August 20, at 10 pm on TLC.

Head back to Soap Dirt for the latest buzz on Sister Wives.

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