Sister Wives

Sister Wives Spoilers: Christine Brown Blindsides Kody Brown With Engagement!

Sister Wives spoilers reveal that Christine Brown recently got engaged. But the Sister Wives star apparently didn’t warn her ex hubby Kody Brown about her big news. And insiders claim that Christine didn’t even tell her other sister wives about her engagement.

Find out what sources shared about the newly engaged Sister Wives star’s shocker. And learn who Christine did tell ahead of her public engagement announcement. Get all the details below.

Sister Wives Spoilers – Christine Brown Stuns Kody Brown!
Surprises fall into two categories: The good (think of a parent gifting a child with a much-longed-for puppy) and the bad (try a routine visit to the dentist turning into a root canal!). And when Christine Brown announced her engagement, it seems that her ex Kody Brown viewed the surprise as bad news. As a result, insiders describe Kody as feeling “blindsided” by his ex-wife, reported OK magazine.Christine Brown

However, Kody may want to turn to the rest of the Sister Wives cast for sympathy. Because one source revealed that Christine also didn’t tell any of her sister wives about the news. And that means that Christine accepting her boyfriend David Woolley’s proposal after less than a year of dating stunned Kody, Robyn, Meri and Janelle.

“Kody and the Sister Wives found out about the news at the same time as everyone else,” revealed the insider. And Christine’s decision to blindside her Sister Wives co-stars might explain why only Janelle congratulated her. However, even Janelle, who ranks as Christine’s closest sister wife, reportedly didn’t know ahead of time.

Sister Wives Spoilers – Christine Brown Shares With Her Kids
An insider revealed that Christine didn’t take the time to personally contact anyone about her engagement before releasing the news in public. “I have not heard that she went and personally contacted anybody,” said the source. However, the insider clarified that “her kids most likely were the only ones who knew ahead of time.” But except for Christine’s six kids, the source didn’t think she told anyone about her engagement before she shared it.

And the insider admitted that Christine has never seen the need to share with her sister wives or Kody. “She’s never been that way. She just doesn’t care. Like, it’s her moment to shine,” pointed out the source about the engagement.

As for why Christine wouldn’t tell her friend Janelle ahead of time? Janelle did not approve of how quickly Christine went from splitting from Kody to getting serious with David. As a result, “she wouldn’t even waste her time telling Janelle because Janelle’s not really supportive,” explained the source. And another insider shared that Christine probably won’t spend time pleading with Janelle to support her engagement.

Tell us what you think. How do you feel about Christine Brown not telling Kody Brown or her other sister wives before making her engagement public? And after you share your views, check back on our site for more reality TV news.


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