Sister Wives

Kody Brown Has Tail Between His Legs – Makes It Up to Meri?

Sister Wives star Kody Brown probably won’t win husband of the year award after some of the treatment Meri Brown endures on this new season. So far Kody’s tossed a few seemingly negative inuendos out about Meri. He’s even shared some of his blatant complaints on screen. At times, it looks like he deliberately takes aim at the wife he’s been married to the longest.Sister Wives: Kody Brown - Meri Brown

Kody Brown said embarrassing things about Meri Brown during an interview. Whether it was to make himself look good or not, he really seemed to throw Meri under the bus. He revealed that he doesn’t cohabitate with his Sister Wives spouse Meri anymore. Then he went even further by sharing how he no longer desired intimacy with Meri.

Sister Wives: Looks Like Kody Brown Shared TMI About Meri Brown

At the time, Sister Wives fans hopped on social media to condemn Kody Brown for sharing TMI. It seemed apparent to fans of the show that Kody was harboring some anger toward Meri Brown. Furthermore, they thought he took it too far spilling the beans about their lack of intimacy.

Meri was asked how she felt about Kody’s reveal to the reporter. She said she had “mixed feelings.” One part of her wasn’t OK with what Kody shared. But Meri Brown being Meri let him off lightly with her next comment. She said while it took her back a bit hearing what Kody said, she believes it’s time to start being real.

Meri Lightens the Backlash for Kody

Kody, Meri, Janelle, Robyn, and Christine offered their lives as an open book to the masses by signing on to the TLC SW show. Sister Wives is a reality show and it negates the theme of reality if you pick and choose what reality is revealed. While this reveal was embarrassing for Meri Brown, she did see it as part of being real in the reality setting they all signed on for.

It seemed Kody Brown had a grudge against Meri and it also seemed like he couldn’t let it go. It appeared his anger played out a few times this season on SW so far. Like suddenly offering to help Meri financially with Lizzie’s Heritage Inn. Then just as quickly, he reeled that offer back in – making it a “no.”

Sister Wives Fans Slap Back

Kody Brown didn’t think his wife could buy the property and get the inn up and running all by herself. But she did. That also seemed to put a thorn in his side as well as Meri becoming successful with her new endeavor.

Many of the fans of the Sister Wives show seem to adore Meri Brown. Needless to say many verbally slapped Kody Brown online for his treatment of Meri. Now a new report suggests Kody might have a change of heart.

Meri’s Place is Grand But Robyn Brown Gets Grandest!

It looks like he’s got his tail between his legs by setting Meri up in a grand rental home worth $861,179. She has all 4,200 square-feet all to herself in this house. Don’t forget this mom of one is an empty nester. Meri pays $2,975 a month to rent this property.

Out of all four of Kody Brown’s wives, it is Robyn who got the most lavish of all properties in Flagstaff. This is one grand gesture on Kody’s part. Still, setting Robyn up in a mansion just adds fuel to the favorite wife fire for the Sister Wives viewers. Many believe Robyn is Kody’s favorite wife.

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