Sister Wives

Kody Brown Gets Sheisty, Janelle & Meri May Need Lawyers?

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Sister Wives just got a preview for the next episode of the TLC show and in it, Kody Brown seems about to pull a sheisty move on Janelle and Meri, his two estranged wives. Christine is not involved, because she no longer owns any of the Coyote Pass property.

Sister Wives Preview Reveals Kody Brown Has Shifty Plans
Ever since they moved to Flagstaff, fans waited for the family of Kody Brown to develop their stands. However, Janelle Brown is the only one who ever did anything there. And, that merely involved a hardstand for her RV. Aside from that, no building construction ever happened, and TLC fans believe it might never become developed.

Once Christine Brown left the Sister Wives patriarch, things changed on the land status. Allegedly, when his former third wife departed Flagstaff for Utah she gave her ex-husband and Robyn her portion of the Coyote Pass property. That seemed to be a compensation for her house. Nowadays, she owns nothing of the undeveloped land. But, it seems that Kody is acting like a shyster and might be trying to cheat Janelle and Meri out of some ownership.

Sister Wives Preview: Kody Claims Christine’s Ownership
Entertainment Tonight shared the preview on their site and on YouTube, and you can watch it further down in this article. It started off with Meri complaining because Kody told her she only had one child, therefore, she doesn’t need a lot of property ownership. Naturally, she’s furious and suspicious that he’s trying to cheat her. After all, what has the number of kids she birthed got to do with her financial investments?

In August, leaks for Sister Wives revealed that allegedly, Kody and Robyn have zero plans to do anything with the land. So, TLC fans suspect he just speculates. In the preview, he claimed Christine gave him her land, so he decided that the land should be divided as follows: For him and Robyn, a combined eight shares in the property while Meri gets two and Janelle four. Bear in mind, that Robyn contributed very little. Meri Brown is spitting mad because she did invest money in the property and in the family.

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